Memoriable Event

It always had the dream of becoming a successful teacher.On one corner of my heart I also had the fear how to succed in the Iron gate of my life i e to pass the S L C exam.Being an innocent at the age 15 I had thinking that I could not pass the S L C.As a had seen lotss of students failed in the S L C.

But the day had came which became the most memoriable event in my life. Dispite of all the difficulties I had gone through till the final exam of school days,Ipassed the S L C  exam with good marks. Morning hours become the hectic time for me waiting S L C result announcement. As soon as it get published, my friend Aphasara called me and congratulated me.I could not stop crying .So ,the day I passed the S L C exam has been the most memoriable event in my life.

Gender Discrimimation In Nepal

Nepal is one of the developing country in the world. It has been facing many problems. We have male dominated society, so the female are being dominated in different areas. The socio-economic condition of Nepali women is very low and the literacy rate also low in comparison to male. Women are taken as servant of male and just service provider for males.

Male and female always comparies the two haves of the population in every society. However,the rights and opportunities are not equal between them in most of the society .The different in opportunity between male and female have foced female to bear unequal position in society.The unequal treatment can be seen in different sectors, such as economic, political, social etc. The difference created in position is not from biological but it is socially constructed, that is what the sociologist named it as gender based discrimination.

Role of ICT to enhance skill of peoplfe with disabilitty

ICT is very important for all people. Among them it is more essential for people with disability. We could easily get information from ICT. It makes easy to read and write as well as gain knowledge from internet by searching on differrent topics. If we have good knowledge in computer we can easily get job. We can easily talk and see with people from one corner of this world to another corner. We can enjoy through ICT like listening music and watching movies. Mobile techonology has made our lives more easier by providing security.

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